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100 days of showing up

A quick humble brag (and link roundup).

Stephen Knezovich
2 min read


Stephen Knezovich here with a quick humble brag.

Yesterday marked the 100th edition of Read This. That’s 100 weekdays of uninterrupted link sharing from 80 different sources. Phew.

It hasn’t always been easy.

There’ve been a few times where I struggled to find something worth sharing. And (more than) a few times where I just didn’t feel up for it. But I pushed through. And I’m happy I did.

To commemorate the occasion, I’m re-sharing few of my favorite finds.

Things that aren’t doing the thing

This little blog post is what finally motivated me to hit publish on the first edition of Read This.

Intensity vs. consistency

Every time I think about not sending out a Read This, I think about this short animated video.

Fun is the secret to getting started

Ralph Ammer's animations make everything more fun.

The internet needs to change

Hank & John Green know how to have fun (& how to announce a new newsletter).

The difference between reach and resonance

Great marketing isn’t about who arrives; it’s about who stays.

The death of the follower

The founder of Patreon on the future of creativity on the web.

35 lessons from 35 years of newsletters publishing

CJ Chivers offers a lot of great, evergreen advice here (though YMMV).

Zero-click content

This idea could be the key to beating the social platforms at their own game.

I hope this email finds you

This bot that auto-completes the phrase "I hope this email finds you..." is wonderfully stupid.

Finally, the full archive is here.

But what say you?

Shoot me an email ( and let me know if anything I've shared over these first 100 emails has been helpful.

Or share your go-to source for marketing advice. I'm always looking to expand my reading and discover new ideas.

Or let me know what challenges you're facing with launching, growing, or sustaining your own newsletter. I'm here to help.

Thanks for reading. I'll check back in after another 100.

See you in your inbox,

PS/ Don't be afraid to share Read This with a friend.
Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter.

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