On having more interesting ideas
Henrik Karlsson on how he goes about finding interesting things to write about.
The case for learning in public
Anne-Laure Le Cunff on how learning in public can increase your productivity and creativity.
Why so many newsletters aren’t worth the writer’s effort
The key reasons why Jane Friedman tells writers to stop sending their newsletter.
100 days of showing up
A quick humble brag (and link roundup).
Blog post vs. email — the death match
How to navigate the relationship between the two.
Just do the thing
Oliver Burkeman with the ultimate productivity hack.
The 80 best single-operator newsletters on the internet
According to InsideHook.
The problem with newsletter advice
There are no rules, dude.
Write the emails you want to see in the world
Not the ones you *think* other people will want to see.
25 rules for running a great newsletter
Dan Oshinsky at Inbox Collective offers some rules to keep in mind when newsletter-ing.