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Stephen Knezovich

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On marketing broetry

“There isn’t a map you can follow for guaranteed marketing success [and] that’s what makes it so fun.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This issue links to a blog post

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The zero-click email strategy

“Write [your] newsletter in such a way that it’s completely digestible in its native, in-inbox format [and] the reader never has to click on any of the links … but it’s better if they do.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to

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How to grow a community from 0 to 2,000+ active alumni

“Communities are built one person at a time [...] Focus on initially adding value to a small group, and one day, you’ll have a lively community outsiders are eager to join.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve &

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Share what you've struggled with

Though technically about blogging, if replace the word “blog” with “email newsletter,” this is solid advice for developing a content strategy that focuses on being helpful and creating value for others. Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve &

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11 things smart newsletters do to convert readers to supporters & customers

“When it comes to driving revenue, the little things matter—and it takes a lot of little things working together to make a difference ... so start small.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter.

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How to get your first 100 signups

“Tell everyone.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This issue links to Substack's official guide to growing your list and includes small pieces of advice from writers who've had

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9 ways to make email the happiest place on earth

“One metric cannot possibly measure your success.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This issue links to an older issue of Ann Handley's Total Annarchy newsletter and offers what I believe

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Every reader counts

“There is no ‘audience,’ there are only individuals.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This issue links to a useful mindset shift via Dan Blank's The Creative Shift Substack.

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What's the best way to grow your email newsletter?

On tailoring your email opt-in forms. Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This issue links to a blog post by the folks behind the email segmenting software RightMessage.

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How I built a big email list exclusively about books I liked

“Be ok mailing to very few people for a long time [...] it takes time for word of mouth to spread.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This issue links to a decade-old (but