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Stephen Knezovich

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Substack wants to be YouTube

An interview with Substack’s co-founder and “Chief Writing Officer” about the business’s plans for the future in regards to video.

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Slash pages

A guide to common pages you can add to your website

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10 questions to help you build a better newsletter

The questions you’ll want to ask — and answers you’ll need — to improve your newsletter strategy.

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The enshittification lifecycle of online platforms

How online platforms like Amazon, Facebook, Uber, TikTok, Twitter, etc. evolve as they grow

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Books don’t sell

Seth Godin on facing the harsh realities of publishing.

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Instagram is dead to us... so what's next for creatives?

Creative Boom revisits some alternative strategies to get attention.

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Three ways to start your next newsletter

Seth Wekheiser on Sharing, Stories, and Showing.

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On having more interesting ideas

Henrik Karlsson on how he goes about finding interesting things to write about.

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The case for learning in public

Anne-Laure Le Cunff on how learning in public can increase your productivity and creativity.

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Why so many newsletters aren’t worth the writer’s effort

The key reasons why Jane Friedman tells writers to stop sending their newsletter.