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Stephen Knezovich

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100 days of showing up

A quick humble brag (and link roundup).

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Blog post vs. email — the death match

How to navigate the relationship between the two.

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Just do the thing

Oliver Burkeman with the ultimate productivity hack.

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The 80 best single-operator newsletters on the internet

According to InsideHook.

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The problem with newsletter advice

There are no rules, dude.

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Write the emails you want to see in the world

Not the ones you *think* other people will want to see.

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25 rules for running a great newsletter

Dan Oshinsky at Inbox Collective offers some rules to keep in mind when newsletter-ing.

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How to build a successful referral program for your newsletter

Beehiiv's take on turning your subscribers into a growth channel.

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The self-motivation toolkit

Anne-Laure Le Cunff offers three research-backed ingredients to build intrinsic motivation.

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Maybe you don't need more subscribers

Seth Wekheiser on why the strategy of “just posting” ain’t working (and how to do it better).