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Little lessons from writing newsletters

Eight writers on how their writing skills evolved by writing a newsletter (via Catapult). Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.

Members Public

Creating a fully customised, weekly newsletter

Dense Discovery provides an updated summary of all the tools they use and how they connect them to create their weekly newsletter, including their membership and sponsorship programs. Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.

Members Public

Intensity vs Consistency

This short animated video is technically about business and leadership, but it's really about the small, repeated actions required to make a difference. Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.

Members Public

Substack Turns On Its ‘Nazis Welcome!’ Sign

Uh oh. Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.

Members Public

The email rules

"Email is not just a marketing tool; it's a connection tool." - from Eman Ismail's short Email Rules video series. Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.

Members Public

Designing your content strategy

A "comprehensive and balanced guide to help you determine where to invest your time and effort in content creation." Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.

Members Public

Advice for newsletter-ers

"A personal email newsletter ought to be divided into seasons, just like a TV show." Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.

Members Public

Email checklist

#36: If I had to pay 42 cents to send this email, would I? Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.

Members Public

What's the point of content?

The point of content is to create a connection ... but with whom? Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.

Members Public

Write the emails you want to see in the world

"The most important factor in deciding what type of newsletter to create is simply what type of newsletter you enjoy creating." Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.