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What would it mean to be done for the day?

Oliver Burkeman on how to *feel* done.

Members Public

How technology hooked the world

Addicted, overwhelmed, and oversubscribed.

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Writing vs. content

Yes, there's a difference.

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Use the internet, not just companies.

Perennial advice from Derek Sivers.

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Like & subscribe

The Casual Archivist gets wistful for tactile design.

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Yes, people do buy books

Despite viral claims, Americans buy over a billion books a year.

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A curated resource to build a newsletter business

Links to help you build, grow, and monetize your newsletter.

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Should you have an email newsletter?

Myth vs. Reality

Members Public

Don't trust the (design) process

Make the process your own.

Members Public

The movement is what matters

Not your pace.