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How, when, and where to engage with your newsletter community

Six newsletter writers explain how they handle reader engagement.

Members Public

Focus on each person, not an audience

A tiny shift that could complete change your ability to reach readers.

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Obvious best practices too many newsletters still don’t do

17 ways to improve your newsletter strategy.

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Turn up your volume

Why sharing makes your life (and readers' lives) better.

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Selling out without selling out

Yancey Strickler attempts to redefine what it means to “sell out.”

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The secret strategy to ramp up your reply rate

A counterintuitive approach from the folks at Inbox Collective.

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Your Substack isn’t for everyone

... and that's a good thing.

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Write for someone

... and ignore everyone else.

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The email welcome series

Eman Ismail's guide to increasing your revenue through email.

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A branding exercise

Seth Godin on the crucial differences between brand and branding.