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Are Social Media Platforms the Next Dying Malls?

It was cool to hang out at the mall—until it wasn't.

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When your commonplace book is a public database

Cory Doctorow on the value of longterm blogging.

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The new alt media and the future of publishing

Anil Dash celebrates the initial flourishing of an important new wave of media.

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The case for learning in public

Anne-Laure Le Cunff on how learning in public can increase your productivity and creativity.

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Death of the follower & the future of creativity on the web

A SXSW talk that is both soul-crushing and inspiring.

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How to grow a community from 0 to 2,000+ active alumni

“Communities are built one person at a time [...] Focus on initially adding value to a small group, and one day, you’ll have a lively community outsiders are eager to join.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve &