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How to find interesting people on Substack

You're not a computer, so stop begging the algorithm to do this for you.

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Talk about your writing in a way that attracts readers

Learn how to describe your work so it sparks interest and connection.

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Doing Nothing With Your Favorite People Is Really, Really Good for You

Unstructured hangs are a lost art.

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Social media is a trap

Profile or persona?

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Does the superfan exist?

And should you feel bad if you've never met one?

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Everyone's lonely but no one can hang out

On small acts of gathering.

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Persuasion is plural

Earn attention before you use it.A

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How, when, and where to engage with your newsletter community

Six newsletter writers explain how they handle reader engagement.

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The Analog Web

On reclaiming the web’s lost humanity.

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What should writers do about social media?

On finding a sense of purpose and community this year.