Insight & Advice
Why informally written emails work better
Some hard data.
Tactics for writing in public
Written from the perspective of a web developer, but this post offers plenty of sound advice from Julia Evans. Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This particular issue links to an article on
Out-random the AI
Make what you will make and be fully human.
The best piece of advice I ever got about newsletters
20+ newsletter-ers offer their favorite piece of newsletter advice.
Creative success is a numbers game
Don't overlook the mathematical edge that powers creative breakthrough.
Beyond the search engine
Strategies better than plain Google.
Does this need to be a goal?
A process for cutting unnecessary goals and setting intentions in their place.
Obvious best practices too many newsletters still don’t do
17 ways to improve your newsletter strategy.
I can tell your book was self-published
And that's okay, but we can make it better.
The secret strategy to ramp up your reply rate
A counterintuitive approach from the folks at Inbox Collective.