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Insight & Advice

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Use the internet, not just companies.

Perennial advice from Derek Sivers.

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Yes, people do buy books

Despite viral claims, Americans buy over a billion books a year.

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Should you have an email newsletter?

Myth vs. Reality

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Don't trust the (design) process

Make the process your own.

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The movement is what matters

Not your pace.

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Default to spaciousness

David Spinks on giving yourself more space to do, well, whatever.

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Be brave or be stupid

Philip Roth (and Steven Pressfield) on how to begin.

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Curiosity and consistency

Anne-Laure Le Cunff shares some thoughts on growing a newsletter.

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On ultra-processed content

A useful metaphor/mindset from Cal Newport.

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Slow the decay in our creative work

Seth Werkheiser on ways to work around the inevitable decay in our own creative pursuits.