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"How To Succeed On Substack"

Short answer: Publish.

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Measuring what matters

An experiment in rethinking ''data-driven marketing."

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How to diagnose an unexpected drop in open rates and engagement

There might be a deliverability problem that needs fixing.

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The newsletter benchmarks you should be aiming for

What should your open rate, CTR, Unsub rate, CPA, and other metrics be?

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Does this need to be a goal?

A process for cutting unnecessary goals and setting intentions in their place.

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25 ways to measure the success of your newsletter

“Open rate and click rate aren’t the only ways to tell if your newsletter is successful.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This issue links to a post by the always helpful

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Avoiding false metrics

“Making your numbers go up (any numbers–your bmi, your blood sugar, your customer service ratings) is pointless if the numbers aren't related to why you went to work this morning.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch,

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The zero-click email strategy

“Write [your] newsletter in such a way that it’s completely digestible in its native, in-inbox format [and] the reader never has to click on any of the links … but it’s better if they do.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to

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9 ways to make email the happiest place on earth

“One metric cannot possibly measure your success.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This issue links to an older issue of Ann Handley's Total Annarchy newsletter and offers what I believe

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17 non-negotiable things your email newsletter needs right now

12. ALWAYS WRITE BACK. Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter.