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Don't call it a Substack

Anil Dash has some thoughts.

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Substack's ticking time bomb

Can independent journalism really thrive under VC pressure?

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Stop doing things you hate doing

Instead, build a foundation of great people in your orbit.

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Disenshittify or die

Cory Doctorow asks: “What the f*ck happened to the old, good internet?”

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The platform authors need now (that isn’t social media)

Allison K Williams on the secret to building a true bookselling platform.

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Author platforms

The what, why, and how.

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Substack wants to be YouTube

An interview with Substack’s co-founder and “Chief Writing Officer” about the business’s plans for the future in regards to video.

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The enshittification lifecycle of online platforms

How online platforms like Amazon, Facebook, Uber, TikTok, Twitter, etc. evolve as they grow

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The post-platform internet

Thoughts on the state of the internet via Kyle Chayka, author of Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture.

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Substack writers concerned as subscriptions ‘plummet’ due to follow feature

“This latest intervention is indicative of [Substack's] efforts to transition to a social media hub where they can sell ad space.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This particular issue links