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Is email marketing dead?

“If you're building your audience on social media, you're building on rented land.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This issue links to an eight-minute video by the excitable

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TinyLetter, in memoriam

“The unassuming nature of an email — the modern form of correspondence — made it intimate [...] we have very few things that nurture that kind of writing on the internet.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email

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Author platform is not a requirement to sell your book

“Platform should not be conflated with ‘social media following’ or self-promotion.” Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This issue is from the always insightful Jane Friedman who is responding to a garbage article

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Substack Turns On Its ‘Nazis Welcome!’ Sign

Uh oh. Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.

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Which is the right ESP for your indie newsletter?

If you need help deciding on the right email service provider, the folks over at Inbox Collective have a (very handy) breakdown. Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich.